marketing company

Marketing is an umbrella term that includes your company’s strategies and tactics which impact customers— your branding, advertising campaigns, promotions, PR, and community involvement, all of the ways you connect your product or service to a potential customer. How you answer your phones is a part of your marketing, just as your advertising and PR plan is.

Think of marketing as your strategic roadmap, driving the tactical monthly plan. As a marketing company, Ad House Advertising often acts as the marketing department for our clients. We work with you to determine where the most growth potential lies, where you have the opportunity to develop more market share, and how we will get there. It’s part of our ROI-focused work; we believe each dollar spent in advertising and marketing should have tangible goals and trackable results.

We believe that marketing is a “push”, working to position your company to prospective future customers by promoting your strengths; advertising then works as the “pull” to offer incentives to drive your market share of “now customers”. Marketing is the strategic plan for the end result that you have in mind (increased market share, a revenue goal, etc); advertising is the tactical plan of how you’ll get there.

We work with you to build a marketing plan, then actively manage the workflow of tactical efforts to execute it. That may include researching key weeks or months where sales opportunities are the highest, then crafting the elements that will allow you to take advantage of that opportunity—-an integrated media plan of broadcast commercials and digital advertising; keyword-rich website content for improved SEO or organic ranking; news releases or participation in local events where you can build awareness of your company’s brand.

Our marketing agency has a track record of success. As a client, you’ll work with a company principal who’s been in marketing and advertising for 30 years. You’ll meet your marketing team face to face, and collaboratively review progress toward your marketing goals. As one of the Albuquerque area’s largest advertising and marketing agencies, we invite you to call for a complimentary consultation, meet our team, and see if we’re a good fit for your company’s marketing efforts.

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