The way we watch TV is changing every day. Years ago, Comcast, Dish Network and DirecTV responded to niche consumer interests by offering more and more channels, but many TV viewers were finding that they were paying too much for their cable or satellite, and the vast majority of available channels went unwatched. Streaming services entered the scene, allowing viewers to choose the programming that suited them at the moment, and many decided to cut the cord and part ways with their cable programming. The ability to choose content is convenient for consumers, but it was a challenge for marketers who were used to traditional television advertising. At Ad House Advertising, we have always worked hard to keep up with shifting industry trends and our media specialists know how to reach consumers where they are. Here’s a look at the latest in video advertising – Over-the-Top (OTT) video.
OTT applications and services allow television viewers to get around traditional film and TV content distribution and choose their own programming at will. Connected TV devices like Smart TVs, gaming consoles, and smart set-top boxes, as well as smartphones, tablets and computers enable consumers to view television shows and movies via apps like SlingTV, Netflix, and Amazon. The number of people who use OTT to watch their favorite movies and series is growing. According to eMarketer, by 2021, cord-cutters and cord-nevers will total 81.1 million – 81.1 million people that won’t be reached by traditional broadcast media.
At Ad House advertising, our premier digital placement software platform gives us the ability to reach cord-cutters and cord-nevers with targeted video ads. We can build OTT campaigns designed to target your audience based on a variety of parameters including device, geography, time and day, household income, interests and lifestyle, age, and more. We have a variety of content distributors to choose from. If your business is struggling to reach a younger demographic, then perhaps OTT is the way to go. Our media specialists are always looking forward to understand where the industry is going, so we can help you advertise effectively. If you’d like to learn more about OTT and how it can benefit your marketing strategy, contact Ad House Advertising today!
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