Edit House Productions, LLC, the parent company of Ad House Advertising, has been selected to judge the 2013 Aurora Awards competition. The Aurora Awards are an independent international film and video competition for commercials, videos and documentaries.

Ed Smith, producer, and Matt Smith, editor, will review hundreds of submissions and select those with highest production criteria. “The Aurora Awards recognized Edit House as qualified to judge all of their incoming content, not just a limited category,” said Ed Smith. “We’ll likely be judging a cross-section of video productions from the United States and abroad.”

Edit House Productions, LLC won best of show in the 2011 Aurora Awards for Creative Achievement in Cinematography for the project “Mulungwishi: A United Methodist Mission”. Smith, and his wife Kim, who served as scriptwriter for the program, traveled some 38 hours to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in April 2011 and had just four days in-country to complete the entire 30 minute documentary.


Edit House Productions, LLC and Ad House Advertising provide full-service advertising and video production services. They create materials such as websites to online marketing campaigns; print materials to billboards; long-format educational, training and documentary programs, to television commercials. Clients include the New Mexico State Police, New Mexico Motor Transportation Division, Melloy Dodge, FIAT of Albuquerque, Worth Hearing Center and many others across New Mexico and the United States.

Edit House Productions, LLC has been a leader in high-definition video production in New Mexico, creating the state’s first HD commercials in 2007. They produce commercials for local and national clients on a regular basis. The company began in 2000.

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