Most businesses don’t need just “one thing”, unlike actor Jack Palance’s advice in City Slickers where he recommends finding the one thing in life that matters.

Need a new website? We can do that, but since new sites usually start out with organic rank that needs to be improved… pay-per-click ads should be considered to bring traffic to you.

Ready for a search engine marketing campaign? Sure, but if you have any concerns about keeping up with calls or additional training for your staff, you may need to consider call tracking. A call tracking number can be included so that missed calls automatically email you for a prompt follow up, or so that customer interactions can be monitored to improve employee training.

Wanting to run a TV advertising schedule but not sure how to craft the ideal message to make it produce results? Have your salespeople run up against a competitor’s sales materials that outshine yours, and you find you’re losing many of these leads? When you Google your own industry, do your competitors appear more often than your website in top results?

These are just a few of the marketing situations businesses find themselves in– sometimes an experienced business advisor with a neutral eye helps you identify and then check items off your list that will help you be EFFECTIVE in your advertising and marketing campaigns.

That’s where Ad House Advertising comes in. Tell us where you want to go (or grow), and we’ll work to get you there. Sometimes, that means just executing some creative solutions– a website, an online ad campaign, a SEO strategy, brochures or point-of-sale materials.

But we often find that in our conversations, we’re able to offer insights to a client based on our 30 years in advertising and marketing. Because we’ve been down the road a bit, we’re able to suggest ideas or solutions that the business might not realize they need to achieve first. Looking at the end result and building a plan to achieve that goal– that’s “our thing”.

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